Wednesday, November 6, 2024

A letter to a colleague after yesterday's election

This is a brief note I wrote this morning to a colleague --

Thank you for going out to OH and PA to do the hard work of campaigning for the issues and the people we all care about. I didn’t do more than contribute some money.

It’s hard to imagine why anyone would invite that guy back in, given all that we already know about him. It’s scary not to recognize one’s own country. I can’t decide if this feels closer to Germany of the 1930s or the final days of the Roman Republic. Both historical examples come to mind. 

I only hope that the upcoming damage to our institutions, our reputation and our personal liberties will not be irreversible.

For the time being, we are relegated to working in our regional enclaves to defend and promote the principles and truths we hold to be self-evident, those that make America a truly great nation. We also must work on reducing the divisions in our land. As the saying goes, united we stand, divided we fall.